Home Loan Support

Making life easier for homebuyer.
strategic partner - ROI Partner

Simplifying your
pre-approval & home loan.

Get the best home loan deal.

BetterBond wants the dream of owning a home to be a reality for everyone. And so, their mission each day is to create better lives for all South Africans by providing innovative products and solutions to become homeowners.

BetterBond has strong, long-standing industry partnerships with a broad network and all the major banks. The partnership between ROI Properties and BetterBond enable our clients to become homeowners for the first time with competitive home loans.

strategic partner - ROI Partner

SA's largest
bond originator!

Tales the hassle out of homebuying.

BetterBond takes special pride in assisting first-time buyers to realise their dreams of homeownership, by offering expert assistance and support at every step of the home loan application process.

Submit your bond application to multiple banks - including your own - to get you an unbeatable interest rate. And does not cost you a cent!

We listen to what you
have to say

Learn more about
our Home Loan Support

and how they work with our agents
to create a thriving property portfolio for you.
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